Thursday, June 10, 2010

Celebrate Our Farmers Markets

Opening day of Portland Farmers Market - Photo by Lola Nova
This weekend, the second weekend of June, will be the First Annual 'Celebrate Our Farmers Market' with photos. The Kitchen Calls is requesting that we all try to stop by our local markets or markets in places we are visiting and snap a few pics to share with everyone. This is not a contest and doesn't have to be fancy. It will be so great to see markets from all over so please let everyone know that they just need to email their pics to me and the location of and any remarks they have if desired. As you can see above, Lola Nova has sent me hers (the rest I will share next week) so you can send in ones that you already have taken. Next Tuesday, June 15Th, I will post them all so please take part in showing off your Farmers Markets. Have a great weekend.
Happy C & B

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, looks divine:) Great idea, Sherri! Looking forward to seeing more.
